Deadline 17-05-2020

ESC Call Belgium 12 Months - Deadline 17 May 2020

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Project Dates : September 2020 – September 2021
Project Duration : 12 Months
Project Venue : Oudenaarde (Belgium)
Number Of Volunteer : 4 (Four)
Sending Organization : Pi Youth Association (Pi Gençlik Derneği) – Turkey
Application Deadline : 17 May 2020 untill 23.00
Subject of E-mail : “ESC-076 Belçika”

About Hosting Organization
Our NGO is a center for young people to spend their holiday. We have one center to host 72 people
and another for 24 people. In addition we also organize a number of leisure, outdoor and cultural
activities such as canoeing, laser battle, visits to archeological sites and a weaving museum, survival
workshops and many more. All our activities are focused on increasing the feeling of personal and
social responsibility, sustainable environmental education and helping the development of life leading
skills. We focus on organizing international exchanges initiated and developed by our target group
itself under our mentoring and overall support. Our organization gives the possibility to discover and
develop hidden resources through real adventures and challenges. The target group of our
organisation are schools, youngsters of sport clubs, youth movements and families. The activities take
place during weekdays, weekends and holidays.

Word Days & Free Days
Working days can be planned in weekends, holidays and regular days. The working hours always
depend from who's coming to visit the Our NGO. Normally, you start at 8 and finish at 17, with a lunch
break between 12:30 and 13:30. If the circumstances allow it, we try to eat all together with the whole
team. As an EVS-volunteer you work 5 days a week, at least one of those days will be during the
weekend. Every month you have 2 extra free days beside weekends. For a stay of a year you can use a
maximum of 24 free days. Our NGO is very active from May until October: in this period we need every
help we can. That means that during these months it is not possible to get extra free days. During all
the other months you can take extra days. The hosting organization needs to know your free days at
least one month in advance.

Your New Home
During your project you will live in Oudenaarde, a city in the Flemish Ardennes, in East-Flanders. The
city and its surroundings (with 12 townships) have a population of 28.000 inhabitants. Located on the
banks of a river, the Schelde, Oudenaarde is world-wide famous for cloth and tapestry industry.
Oudenaarde also has four breweries. We're masters in brewing. So you should definitely try all of them.
Your "international house" and your workspace are located near the lake De Donk and are 800m
separated from each other, both close to the township of Bevere, really close to the city center. The
house has three floors and consists of four bedrooms, a kitchen/living room, an extra living room, a
bathroom with a shower and a separated toilet. The house has even a big garden with plenty of space.
Every volunteer has his own bedroom and shares the common spaces with the others. You also take
care of the maintenance of the house. The house needs to be clean for you, for the other volunteers
and for the new volunteers after you leave. The city center contains some touristic sights: the main
square (Markt) with the gothic city hall (Stadhuis), the Saint-Walburga church, the main museum
(MOU) and the museum of the Tour of Flanders. You also find all the main services as bars, restaurants,
chemists and banks. During your stay in Oudenaarde, you will have to be registered as an inhabitant
of the municipality.

Profile and Responsibilities of Volunteers
• Age: 18 - 30
• Skills:
❖ Microsoft Office
❖ Communicative
❖ Fluent in English
❖ Tend to work in teams
❖ Creative
❖ Open minded
❖ Willing to learn new languages
❖ Interested in other cultures and habits
• You must like working with young people and doing outdoor acitivities
• Able to deliver work properly and on time

Supporting local volunteers. Guiding youth camps, youth groups and activities. Be Outsider-minded:
adventurous, friendly and energetic! Contribute to the environment of our NGO. Managing our
association's social media accounts/supporting local volunteers in charge of this issue. To take photos
the events and activities of the Association. To participate in Dutch language trainings prepared for
them. To writing blogs for in the website of volunteering activities.

Budget Distribution
As an EVS-voluteer you will get an account and a card at KBC Bank. On that account you receive a total
amount of €500 per month: €110 as pocket money and €390 as "living cost" for your stay. At the
beginning of each month, you will receive the payment via your bank account at KBC. The rent for the
house is directly payed by our NGO. You also get one free meal every week in our tavern at The Donk.
You receive max. €275 for your arrival and departure costs.

Local Transport
During the months as EVS-volunteer in Oudenaarde, you will go around in the city mainly by bike, a
very common means of transport in Belgium. To reach other cities and travel around, you can take
trains and buses from the trainstation, not far from the EVS-house. You receive a bike from our NGO
and a lock as well. We give you also a Go Pass or Rail Pass with 10 yourneys for using the train. The
public transport isn't very expensive.
Every EVS-volunteer has a health insurance with Cigna, as a part of the Erasmus+ program. Your
sending organisation will provide this for you. We need the registration number before the start of the
project. As a part of the our team, you're also insured for accidents that may happen during your
working hours.

Language Course And Mentor
Our NGO is locaded in the Flemish part of Belgium, where people speak Dutch as first langurage. Most
of the times, when you have to communicate and deal with colleagues and other people from this
area, you can speak English but a basic level of Dutch can be very useful, especially if you work with
groups of kids. As an EVS-volunteer you will have the opportunity to learn Dutch on the platform
Erasmus+ Online Linguistic Support (OLS). However, learning Dutch only through the online course can
be quite difficult. That's why our NGO organizes two informal language evenings per week, with two
local volunteers that will come to your house to help you learn Dutch.
Furthermore as an EVS-volunteer you will have a mentor, a person who doesn't belong to the hosting
organization and with whom you can talk about any possible personal issues. For this task our NGO
will name a person for you, depending on how you will get along with your mentor. In any case if your
mentor can't help you, you can always ask someone else for a particular problem.

job work abroad expat jobs career interlanguage jobs esc erasmus volunteer belgium European Solidarity Corps erasmuslife erasmusplus europe studyabroad workabroad apply expats expatlife interlanguage

Contact: Login for contact details

*Don't forget to add in your email & motivation letter, "I found this job posting on"

Deadline 17-05-2020
Attention please, this job shared by user but contact person can be different. If you want to apply for this job, please check contact person details and apply link.