Proposals should be submitted by 14 August.
In the near future, the GSA should become the European Union Agency for the Space Programme (EUSPA) and amplify its scope of activities. This agency shall be entrusted with important tasks related to the EU satellite navigation systems, Galileo and EGNOS, the establishment of synergies for space data related to navigation and Earth observation, and also the setting up of governmental applications for telecommunications, space surveillance, security of infrastructure and cybersecurity. To mark this evolution, the GSA has decided to rely on the talent of European graphic designers and visual artists, be it students, young professionals or established graphic design companies and is launching a Logo Design competition.
The GSA has since its inception been using R&D prizes and other funding mechanisms to stimulate entrepreneurship and boost youth employment. The EUSPA Logo Design Contest is a great opportunity for the GSA to open up its lines of communication and connect with a new community other than our GNSS niche. Taking part in this contest will be an asset for students and recent graduates who are looking to kickstart their careers and for professionals to enrich their portfolios with a logo that will always be a point of reference for their professional pathways.
The EUSPA Logo Design Contest is encouraging fresh thinking and innovation. Participants are asked to submit up to two designs proposals that will capture the quintessence of the new agency in a visually striking, aesthetically appealing logo. The ideal design will be simple, yet able to tell a story that encapsulates the activities of the agency, but most importantly ensures brand recognition for EUSPA.
“Europe boasts talented visual artists. We want to rely on their creativity. With this contest we want to give the opportunity to European designers to be part of our future, helping them to enrich their portfolios with a logo that will always be a point of reference for their career and support their European recognition. We’re looking for artists who will craft a powerful visual identity that will
help this agency stand out in a digitally disrupted era”, says Pascal Claudel, Acting Executive Director of the GSA.
The logos will be evaluated by a jury that will assess the clarity of logo, its originality, and its graphic representation. Five design projects will be selected. The five winners will be invited to negotiate a service agreement with the GSA in order for the agency to procure the logo. The winner will take home up to 15,000 euros. Additionally, they will benefit from promotion and media coverage.
Deadline for submission is 14 August 2020, 23:59 (Prague local time).
All logos must be submitted to the following e-mail address:
So, if you think that you can craft a logo sprinkled with creativity and a touch of boldness and convey an effective message through meaningful visuals in this digital universe full of noise, then let your creativity flow and be our logo designer! More information about the terms and conditions of the contest as well as a briefing can be found here.