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Free Online STEAM Lessons from Frank Lloyd Wright Foundation

Frank Lloyd Wright Foundation Is Offering Free Online STEAM Lessons for Kids


Interlanguage News from WorldWide

The Frank Lloyd Wright Foundation is dedicated to providing quality STEAM education experiences to challenge young people around the world to be critical thinkers and creative problem solvers. The Foundation is proud to offer lessons and other activities free of charge during this uncertain time.

Complimentary Six-Weeks of Online Education Activities Offered by the Frank Lloyd Wright Foundation through the Wright Virtual Classroom. The Frank Lloyd Wright Virtual Classroom is a resource center developed by the Frank Lloyd Wright Foundation’s education department as a free online learning tool for K-12 students and virtual engagement for families. Every Wednesday for six weeks, a new STEAM-focused lesson will be released online. Aimed at students K-12 and developed in collaboration with Paradise Valley School District, these free virtual lessons feature hands-on activities designed to inspire creativity and push critical thinking. The lessons build on each other and finish with an at-home final project. The Wright-Design online program is a one-click solution to keeping students active in learning, designing, and building during this pause to the traditional classroom setting. While the first five lessons have already passed, new students will be able to go back and complete them at their own pace.

Virtual Classroom continues beyond the first 6 activities. Look for new Activity announcements on Frank Lloyd Wright Foundation's social media each Wednesday.

Source: Interlanguage News

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news Frank Lloyd Wright Foundation k-12 STEAM education online education free course virtual classroom
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