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Eurogia 2030 - Call 18 will be closed on the 30th of September, 2021

New Eureka Cluster Programme (ECP) starts on 1 July 2021, and will run for the next 4 years.


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News Details

Eurogia2030 is on the front line in the Energy field to achieve carbon neutrality goals. Through Low Carbon Technologies R&D solutions Eurogia aims to contribute for a sustainable environment, for the reduction of climate change and  for a sustainable growth.  Some of the targeted challenges to achieve these goals are necessary, but not limited to:
  • Carbon-free energy supply,
  • Green mobility and Smart cities,
  • Smarter housings and constructions,
  • Bio resources and environment.
The technologies necessary to tackle these challenges are rapidly developing within a giant market and an ever growing societal concern. In-depth knowledge and leadership in developing and applying them is an essential requirement, if industry is to maintain its leadership in multiple application areas, or take advantage of new opportunities.

This Eurogia Call18 is specifically designed to stimulate activity in this important area, through the creation of trans-national collaborative projects in applications that will support economic growth and benefit society as a whole.

The Eurogia Call 18 intent is to address issues  in the Energy market to develop the Eurogia2030 5Ds Startegy:
  • Decarbonisation
  • Democratisation
  • Digitalisation
  • Deregulation
  • Decentralisation
The aim of this Call is to boost the productivity, competitiveness and environmental sensitivity of the EurekaNetwotk countries through using innovative technologies and solutions to improve the Low Carbon Energy market for a sustainable future.

Participants are invited to submit applied research and innovation project proposals within the Eurogia scope.
All EUREKA countries are invited to support this Call and/or individual proposals. However, project partners from other EUREKA countries, or countries outside of EUREKA, must secure their national funding within the deadlines for the Call to participate.

Among the relevant enabling technologies, digitalization, IOT, AI, blockchains, cyber-security , communication, 5G/6G, drones, sensors, new materials, asset management,  recycling, etc. are also expected to play an important role.

In occasion of the starting of the Eurogia2030 programme, announced on 1st of July and since the great outcomes of the Green Transition Call, The Eurogia scope has been extended to two new topics, Environmental Issues and Bioresources. These two new topics will be added to the classic Eurogia scope, which can be found in the Eurogia2030 Technology Roadmap.

The scope and non-exclusive list of possible application areas for the Call 18 will include:
  • Offshore Wind turbines, bioenergy, solar panels, fuel cells power to-X, energy storage
  • Hydrogen Fuel cell (production, storage, station)
  • CO2 Capture, Sequestration and Utilization
  • Green and Zero-emission Buildings, Smart cities, heating
  • IT solutions in buildings, smart monitoring, 3D construction, digital twins in housing design
  • AI, IoT, Bigdata, 5G/6G integrated solutions in cities
  • Smart Grids, Micro-Grid, E-mobility
  • Monitoring of the environment and bio resources
  • Drone and satellite monitoring systems of land, rivers, sea Industrial robots, sensors, edge cloud computing, Raman Mass spectrometry, AI, big data, etc.
Other relevant topics are also welcome.

Submitting a Successful Proposal
Proposals should primarily target taking the suggested technology or solution beyond the State-of-the-Art in whichever targeted application domains are addressed.
The Call is looking for projects that will form innovative ecosystems that will enable advances in the State-of-the-Art and result in opportunities for commercial and/or societal impact in the application areas addressed. The intent is to bring together partners from across the broad Community of all types (Large Enterprise, SME’s, Research & Technology Organisations and Universities) into collaborative teams that will be able to demonstrate a high impact in the chosen application area at the end of the project.
The applications will be evaluated on excellence, impact, organisation, and suggested execution. Impact will be assessed both in terms of economic impact, in all participating countries and partners, as well as its impact on the green transition of the society.
It is essential that project partners hold in depth meetings with the representatives of the Public Authorities in the countries from which they wish to gain support, to understand detailed eligibility requirements.

Eligibility criteria for Project Proposals
Proposals must meet the following criteria:
  • The consortium should include at least two companies from different EUREKA participating countries. The participation of research institutes/universities is welcome according to each country’s funding regulations.
  • The project partners must express their willingness to cooperate, on a win-win/fair basis in the development of a new product, industrial process Industry standard or service.
  • The product, process or service must be innovative and there must be a technological risk involved.
  • The project should benefit all involved partners in a well-balanced consortium. SME’s are explicitly encouraged to participate in the proposals. (well-balance=one partner can hold at max 66% of the project)
  • The project should generate an obvious advantage and added value resulting from the technologic cooperation between the participants (new technologies, standardisation, prototyping, field trials, new or improves products, increased knowledge, access to R&D infrastructure etc.).
  • Economic and Societal benefits to be obtained (where relevant) must be highlighted in the project proposal.
  • A project consortium or cooperation agreement (PCA) must be signed between the project partners as soon as possible after the project starts. PCA templates are available for use if required.
The EUROGIA is explicitly supported by 10 EUREKA countries (Austria, Canada, Croatia, Czech Republic, Estonia, Hungary, Israel, Poland, Portugal, Spain, South Africa, Turkey). In addition, participants from other EUREKA and non-EUREKA countries can participate in applications but will have to take care about the financing of the project themselves. In all cases, it is the responsibility of the submitting project team to contact the Public Authority representatives of the countries that they wish to involve, to ensure that the option of funding is available. Contact details of the supporting countries and other EUREKA contacts can be found on the Eurogia website and on the Call18 website.
EUREKA Funding is based on National funding policies and arrangements and, as such, is subject to National terms and conditions. On request, it is required that each project participant will submit a national funding application in line with National funding processes.

Source: Interlanguage News

Learn More
news Eurogia2030 programme Eurogia2030 Eurogia Call 18 Eureka Cluster Programme ECP energy market Low Carbon Technologies sustainable environment sustainable growth Green mobility Smart cities Carbon-free energy supply
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