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$10,000 Grant - Foundwork Artist Prize For Contemporary Artists

The Foundwork Artist Prize is an annual juried award inaugurated in 2019 to recognize outstanding practice by contemporary artists.


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Foundwork Artist Prize
What is the Foundwork Artist Prize?

The Foundwork Artist Prize is an annual juried award inaugurated in 2019 to recognize outstanding practice by contemporary artists. The honoree receives an unrestricted $10,000 grant and studio visits with the jurors who include progressive curators, gallerists, and artists. The honoree and three short-listed artists are also featured in interviews as part of our Dialogues program.
Artists will need to create a profile on Foundwork by October 15th to be considered for the 2020 Prize. Please see the following questions in this FAQ for important information on eligiblity, the selection process, and how to participate.

Who are the jurors for the 2020 Prize?
Our jury for the 2020 Prize includes progressive curators, gallerists, and artists based in Berlin, Tulsa, Los Angeles, Omaha, and Mexico City. Whether organizing institutional exhibitions, running innovative galleries, or making critically acclaimed work themselves, each juror brings significant experience to this year's Prize. We extend our thanks and admiration to each of these exceptional practitioners:
Rachel Adams, Chief Curator and Director of Programs, Bemis Center for Contemporary Arts, Omaha
Anat Ebgi, Owner and Director, Anat Ebgi Gallery, Los Angeles
Natasha Ginwala, Associate Curator, Gropius Bau, Berlin, Artistic Director, 13th Gwangju Biennale, Gwangju
Kalup Linzy, Performance and Video Artist, 2020 Tulsa Artist Fellow, former Guggenheim Fellow
Humberto Moro, Deputy Director and Senior Curator, Museo Tamayo, Mexico City, Curator, EXPO Chicago, Adjunct Curator, SCAD Museum of Art, Savannah
Michael Ruiz, Founder and Managing Director, Future Gallery, Berlin and Mexico City

How do I apply?
There is no separate application for the Foundwork Artist Prize. In order to be considered, an artist only needs to meet the eligibility criteria, sign up for an artist account, and have a pubished profile on Foundwork, with at least 5 published artworks, throughout the selection period: 5:00 pm ET October 15–5:00 pm ET November 30, 2020. Please see the following questions in this FAQ for instructions about eligibility and how to participate.
Is there an entry fee?
There is no entry fee to be considered for the Foundwork Artist Prize. An artist only needs to meet the eligibility criteria and have a published profile on Foundwork, with at least 5 published artworks, throughout the selection period: 5:00 pm ET October 15, 2020–5:00 pm ET November 30, 2020.
As described in the "Signing Up and Accounts" section of this FAQ and during the signup process on Foundwork, artist accounts have a $4 monthly subscription (free for students in graduate or undergraduate studio art programs). Artist subscriptions will continue as normal throughout the selection period.

What artists are eligible?
The 2020 Foundwork Artist Prize is open to artists who reside in any location around the world, except for a limited number of countries, states, and provinces listed below. Artists working in any media are eligible.
In addition, in order to be eligible, an artist must:
(1) be an individual who is at least eighteen years old;
(2) not be a Foundwork employee, contractor, or their relative;
(3) be able to use Foundwork and participate in the Prize in accordance with all applicable laws; and
(4) have a published artist profile on Foundwork, with at least 5 published artworks, continuously throughout the selection period: 5:00 pm ET, October 15, 2020–5:00 pm ET, November 30, 2020.
Artists are otherwise eligible regardless of age, race, creed, color, religion, country of origin, gender, sex, sexual orientation, marital status, ancestry, disability, or veteran status.
Please note that residents of the following countries, states, and provinces are not eligible for the 2020 Foundwork Artist Prize: Argentina; Arizona (US State); Bosnia and Herzegovina; Bulgaria; Colorado (US State); Republic of Colombia; Cuba; Hong Kong; Iceland; Italy; Iran; Japan; Kosovo; Latvia; Macedonia; North Korea; Quebec (Canadian Province); Russia; Saudi Arabia; Serbia; Sudan; Syria; Thailand; and United Arab Emirates (UAE). These geographic restrictions are for regulatory reasons beyond our control, and we appreciate your understanding.
Please see the Official Rules for additional terms that apply to the selection process.

How does the selection process work and what are the important dates?
The selection period for the 2020 Prize will be 5:00 pm ET October 15, 2020–5:00 pm ET November 30, 2020. Please note that in order to be eligible, you will need to have your artist profile published on Foundwork, with at least five (5) published artworks, continuously throughout the selection period.
The selection process will take place during the selection period as follows: Our staff will select fifty (50) finalists out of the eligible artists and will provide the list of finalists to the jury. The jury will review the finalists, select one (1) provisional winner and three (3) provisional short-listed artists, and notify us of those selections. We'll contact the provisional winner and provisional short-listed artists individually by email to notify them that they’ve been chosen and to verify their eligibility (“Provisional Notice”). An artist must reply to our Provisional Notice by reply email within seven (7) calendar days after the date we send it, notifying us of their intention to be confirmed as the winner or as a short-listed artist, as applicable, and must provide us with documentation of their postal address and any other information we may request to verify eligibility. If an artist doesn't respond to our Provisional Notice within the required time or fails to provide any requested information, they may be disqualified and the jury may select another provisional winner or short-listed artist from the remaining finalists who will then be subject to the same notice and confirmation process outlined above. If an artist responds to our Provisional Notice within the required time and we determine they are otherwise eligible, we'll send them a second notice by email to confirm them as the winner or as a short-listed artist, as applicable. An artist may also be required to accept and sign a written affirmation of eligibility and publicity release to be confirmed as the winner or as a short-listed artist, and we'll provide such forms along with our Provisional Notice, as applicable.
Please see the Official Rules for additional terms that apply to the selection process.

What criteria will be used to select the honoree and short-listed artists?
The honoree and short-listed artists will be chosen on the basis of artistic merit, which we define as demonstrating a critical engagement with, and making a distinctive contribution to, one’s chosen media. Artwork in any media will be considered, and any artwork, artist statements, and other information which an artist publishes on Foundwork may be considered during the selection process.
Please see the Official Rules for additional terms that apply to the selection process.

What artwork is eligible to be considered?
Artwork in any media is eligible to be considered. However, please note that artwork reviewed for the Prize must be created by you individually (i.e. it must not also be attributed to anyone else).
The first five (5) artworks that you publish in your artist profile on Foundwork (i.e. the first 5 works appearing at the top of your profile page) will be considered during the selection process. You are welcome to publish more than 5 works in your profile if you wish, and artists are generally welcome to publish as many works as they wish on Foundwork. If you do choose to publish more than 5 works in your profile, any additional works may be reviewed at our and the jury's discretion, as applicable.
Please see the Official Rules for additional terms that apply to the selection process.
How do I prepare my artwork to be reviewed?
The first five (5) artworks that you publish in your Foundwork profile (i.e. the first 5 works appearing at the top of your profile page) will be considered during the selection process. You're welcome to publish more than 5 works in your profile if you wish, and artists are generally welcome to publish as many works as they wish on our platform. If you do choose to publish more than 5 works in your artist profile, any additional works may be reviewed at our and the jury's discretion, as applicable.
You can publish your artwork on Foundwork using the artist content management system (“CMS”) built into our website. To access CMS, log in to Foundwork on your computer and click the "CMS" button in the top right corner of your screen.
As permitted by the functionality on our website, you are allowed to add up to 6 images, or 1 video, for each of your works. Please do not add more than 6 images or 1 video for any work, as that additional material may not be considered during the selection process.
You can change the order of works in your profile by going to the "Works" section in CMS and then dragging and dropping your works to the desired order.
You can also enter written notes about your works in the “Additional Information” section when you add them in CMS, but please note that due to the overall volume of work to be reviewed for the Prize, we cannot guarantee that those notes will be reviewed during the selection process.
Please also note that any artwork or other materials submitted to us by email, postal mail, or otherwise will not be considered or returned and may be discarded at our discretion. Accordingly, please don't send us any other materials.
Please see the Official Rules for additional terms that apply to the selection process.

How do I prepare video content to be reviewed?
If you wish for your work to be reviewed as a video (for example, if your work is video, film, performance, or animation), you can add the URL to a Vimeo or YouTube page where your video is hosted when you add your work in CMS (instead of adding still images). This will display your video on Foundwork.
Please note that due to the overall volume of artwork to be reviewed for the Prize, the first three (3) minutes of any video you provide for any work will be reviewed during the selection process, and we and the Jury may review more of each video at our and the Jury’s discretion, as applicable.

What about artist statements and CV information?
If you choose to publish an artist statement on Foundwork, it will be reviewed as applicable during the selection process. You don’t need to publish an artist statement to be eligible, but we encourage you to do so if possible to facilitate the review of your practice.
You can publish your artist statement on Foundwork by going to the “Artist Statement” section in the artist content management system ("CMS") built into our website, and then adding, editing, and saving your artist statement text. Specific instructions for using CMS are provided in the "Questions for Artists" section of this FAQ.
You can also choose to publish CV information as part of your artist profile by going to the “CV” section in CMS, adding, editing, and saving your CV text. We and the jury may, but are not obligated to, review CV information during the selection process to further inform the review of an artist’s practice. Adding CV information is not required to be eligible.

How will artists be notified throughout the selection process?
We'll send you any Prize-related notices by email to the email address associated with your Foundwork account at the time we contact you. Our email to you will come from unless we notify you otherwise.
Please make sure you have a current and valid email address associated with your Foundwork account at all times. You can update your account email address any time by logging in to Foundwork and going to your account settings. We won’t be responsible for any automatic filtering (such as spam filters) that you or your email service provider may apply to any email we send you, so please make sure you’re able to receive emails from Foundwork.

How will studio visits be conducted between the honoree and jurors?
After the honoree is confirmed, we'll introduce them to each juror by email. It's then up to the honoree and each juror to schedule and conduct a studio visit at their mutual convenience. Studio visits may take place in-person at the honoree’s studio, or remotely by video conference, as decided in each case by the juror. We aren't able to provide travel stipends for studio visits and we appreciate your understanding.
How will interviews be conducted with the honoree and short-listed artists for the Dialogues program?
The honoree and short-listed artists will each be featured in an interview as part of our Dialogues program for further engagement around their work. After we announce the honoree and short-listed artists this fall, we'll email each of them individually to make plans for their interview.

Where can I review the Official Rules?
In addition to the information provided in this FAQ, please make sure to review the Official Rules for the 2020 Prize which describe the terms and rules that apply to all participating artists. You can review them via learn more link

Source: Interlanguage News

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