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[Internship] TechNarts Summer Internship

For expat job opportunities; follow our Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, YouTube, Telegram and Twitter pages.


2nd and 3rd year students will be admitted to our company, which operates in METU Technopolis MET Campus, for summer internship. In general, we expect students to be willing to work on web applications using python-Django and to work part-time after the internship. We give trainees a fee to cover meal and travel expenses.

Recruitment Process
Knowing that customer satisfaction is directly proportional to employee satisfaction, TechNarts is meticulous about selecting the competent applicants for the related positions during the recruitment process.
TechNarts job applications are accepted through the job appication form. Applications made are examined carefully by the human resources department.

During the recruitment process the steps below are followed:
  • The applications of the candidates are preliminary examined by the Human Resource Department and qualified ones for the position are invited to for the interview.
  • The candidates are interviewed by the Human Resource Department.
  • Candidates who pass the first interview are invited for the technical interview and if required technical exam. Exams are unique to the related field.
  • After these processes, eligible candidates are offered the job position at TechN’arts and those who are not eligible are informed also.
  • After the candidates accept the offer, required employment procedures are applied.
  • Employees newly started are applied an orientation program and as long as it requires they are applied technical retraining.

job internship summer jobs

*Don't forget to add in your email & motivation letter, "I found this job posting on"

Apply Link Deadline 15-07-2020
Attention please, this job shared by user but contact person can be different. If you want to apply for this job, please check contact person details and apply link.